
A collection of skills work that fingers do, under and over, in and out, braiding, stitching, weaving and twining. This is how baskets are made, and carpets, a suits and skirts, and all of them require nimble hands and patience.

Now we call much of this labour craft , but in the early 1900s, when postcard publishers sought to entertain and educate the public, such makings were the only methods available, and thus designated work . The common thread to this selection of images is indeed thread fibre, yarn, cord, straw, silk and stalk. Those who bought these products respected and valued them in a different manner than us, who use and abandon factory good carelessly. Machines don t mind. Mending is almost ended.

  • Paperback: 120 pages
  • Package Dimensions: 19.3 x 14.5 x 1.3 cm



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